Occupying traditional territories that span from Cortes Island to Toba Inlet, the Klahoose Nation has existed since time before memory. Our primary village site, Squirrel Cove, is home to approximately seventy-five full-time residents who live and work on Cortes Island and in the surrounding areas. The remaining three hundred and nine members reside in off reserve coastal communities in the lower mainland, and Washington State.
Our territories are rich in resources, both on land and in the waters that surround us. This abundance helped sustain our ancestors who carefully managed fish and wildlife to ensure future generations have access to these vital resources.
In the 1800's, Indian Agents and government surveyors allocated our peoples to ten reserves, limiting our ability to survive and prosper as our communities had done since time immemorial.​ As Canada opened its doors to early settlers and explores, First peoples across the country, including those at Klahoose, were marginalized. Restrictive legislation prohibiting cultural ceremonies like the Potlatch, coupled with mandatory attendance at Residential Schools, alienated generations from one another. The echo of this devastating period in our shared history continues to linger.
Today, Klahoose is rediscovering the beauty of the traditions which have historically defined our peoples. Ancient protocols are being practiced and the Klahoose people are once again thriving.

Business is thriving at Klahoose. Leadership has worked to find the balance between protecting our resources with managing community economic development opportunities. We have established vital partnerships to help encourage community economic activities and are open to explore evolving possibilities.
Klahoose language department is grant-funded to revitalize Ayajuthem for all Ayajuthem speaking communities: Klahoose, Homalco, Tla’amin, and Comox. Klahoose is dedicated to working with our sister nations to support the revitalization of Ayajuthem in our communities.
Suitable housing supports the dynamic growth and prosperity of the Klahoose First Nation.
We strive to build and operate convenient, sustainable, and affordable housing to meet the needs of our Members.
The Klahoose First Nation Social Development Department delivers assistance to Klahoose community members in need through monthly Income Assistance programs, Assisted Living Support, and
Social & Cultural programming.
Klahoose First Nation supports the lifelong learning of our Members
and assists all those pursuing education.
Klahoose Health Department support adults, elders, children, and families who live on reserve by providing preventative services, primary care, and advocacy.